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6월, 2015의 게시물 표시

뉴스타파 - ‘BH 지시’ 대국민 거짓말...“경유병원은 안전”(2015.6.18)

뉴스타파 김진혁 미니다큐 Five minutes - 메르스에 대해 정부가 했어야 할 일들과 시에라리온(2015.6.17)

메르스(MERS-CoV) 이상하다...

메르스(Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS‐CoV))가 급기야 4차 감염 이야기까지 나오고 있다. 우리나라에서 나타나고 있는 메르스 양태가 지금까지 알려진것과 달리 나타나고 있는거 같다. 다음은 2014년 4월 24일에 쓰여진 WHO Risk Assessment의 한 구절이다. 구글링하면 쉽게 찾을수 있는 문서다. 본문에 전염력과 관련된 부분을 인용해보자면, The majority of the cases now reported have likely acquired infection through human‐to‐human transmission and only about a quarter are considered as primary cases, which suggests slightly more human‐to‐human transmission than previously observed. one hypothesis is that the transmission pattern and transmissibility have not changed and that the occurrence of two large nosocomial outbreaks reflects inadequate infection prevention and control measures, coupled with intensive contact tracing and screening. Several elements would support this hypothesis: i) the clinical picture appears to be similar to what was observed earlier; secondary cases tend to present with a milder disease than that of primary cases; however, we note that many secondary cases hav